Explore Your Ideas
Dedicated to student innovation and entrepreneurship, The Basement is your introductory space to discover new ways of thinking and doing as we help you bring your ideas to life.
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What We Do
We guide curious students who want to make a positive difference in the world how to build a startup from the ground up. Along the way, we will teach you the professional skills necessary for a bright future. You’ll receive valuable insights, mentorship, support, as well as network and meet new friends.
We offer incredible student-focused design and innovation programs, leadership opportunities, entrepreneurial workshops, as well as dedicated start-up incubator spaces. We even host our very own in-house prototyping lab, complete with 3D printers, shop tools, and more, all accessible during our open access hours.

Our Success in Numbers
Teams formed
Events hosted
Cohorts established
Patents filed
Mentor hours accessed
Companies formed
Total funds raised

Check out our upcoming events
Whether you want to practice your pitch in front of an audience, network with industry experts, or simply de-stress— there’s an event at The Basement for you.
Find out who’s a Basement Startup
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